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Symmetry Modern Data Security Platform

One platform to secure data with precision at scale in modern enterprises.

What We Do

Symmetry offers comprehensive visibility and control over your data, addressing all aspects of your data security requirements, including the full spectrum of functions outlined in the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.


Discovers, classifies, maps, and monitors sensitive data across cloud, on-prem, and hybrid environments.


Remediates unused access, dormant identities, data sprawl and insecure data stores.


Identifies and creates alerts for abnormal data behaviors and data policy violations in real-time.

Respond & Recover

Contain the security and business impact of compromised identities and impacted data with speed and precision.


Symmetry plays nicely with the modern data stack and integrates seamlessly into industry standard tools and services you would expect.

Delivering Real Outcomes

Data Security Posture Management (DSPM)

Symmetry provides actionable insight across a combination of orthogonal data security vectors that together make up a robust data security posture.

Unprecedented Data Visibility

Discovers, maps, and monitors sensitive data across cloud, on-prem, and hybrid environments at yotabyte+ scale.

Proactive & Reactive

Proactively reduce blast radius and attack surface of data, and detect abnormal operations and violations in real time.

Cost Savings

Decrease data storage costs with cleanup, and avoid much larger losses associated with breaches.

Faster Innovation

Adopt cutting edge tools like GenAI much faster by reducing data sensitivity of data used by AI agents and at risk of exposure.

Data+AI Security

Symmetry analyzes the risks of letting Gen AI agents loose on your OneDrive, Sharepoint, and Teams based corporate environments.

Faster Innovation

Adopt cutting edge GenAI agents much faster by reducing ensuring data sensitivity of data used by AI agents and at risk of exposure.

Unprecedented Data Visibility

Discovers, maps, and monitors sensitive data that can be accessed by your Gen AI deployment before it becomes embedded in the model..

Maintain Compliance & Ethical Separation

Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and maintain ethical walls and segregation of duties between teams from the data out.

Ongoing Peace of Mind

Continuous monitor what information users have access to through Gen AI, and reduce the risk of it being misused.

Data Detection & Response (DDR)

Symmetry provides continuous monitoring of the data you care about. Our DDR capability not only leverages anomaly detection to alert you whenever something unusual happens to your data, but also allows you to build deterministic real time alerts (based on type of data, type of user and operation being performed) – so you can take immediate action…

Faster Detection & Response

Deterministic alerts on sensitive data access and anomaly detection reduces your mean time to detect (MTTD) and mean time to respond (MTTR).

Find Breached & At-Risk Data from Compromised Credentials

Quickly identify the blast radius of any compromised accounts and validate operations performed since compromise.

Determine SEC Materiality with time to spare

Demonstrate with evidence that a potential breach was not material given the volume, and sensitivity of data at risk...

Proactive & Reactive

Proactively reduce both the blast radius and attack surface of data, and detect abnormal operations and violations in real time.

Data Access Governance (DAG)

Symmetry gives you the tools to connect your data to identities through comprehensive permission analysis, as well as determine what data access could result by provisioning new access.

Unprecedented Data Flow Visibility

Identify the source, destination, and identity behind any data flow in your environment.

Least Privilege with Least Effort

Balance data necessary for each role with its actual usage , reducing risks of breaches and unauthorized exposure.

Maintain Compliance & Ethical Separation

Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and maintain ethical walls and segregation of duties between teams from the data out.

Proactive & Reactive

Proactively enforce least privilege, reducing cross-account, dormant and over privileged permissions and identities. Get alerted on changes.

See Symmetry In Action

Use Cases

Our cutting-edge technology and innovative insight into the challenges of protecting data at scale, provides our customers  with a holistic but flexible approach to data protection, enabling focus on the use cases that matter most to them.

Data Inventory

Gain comprehensive insights into your data by location, sensitivity, environment and more.

Ransomware Defense

Fortify your data against ransomware threats, detect attacks early, and respond swiftly to minimize damage.

Data + AI Security

Ensure your GenAI adoption doesn't accidently surface any sensitive data by proactively remediating overlooked access controls and other GenAI vulnerabilities

Zero Trust for Data

Secure data following CISA and DOD’s Zero-Trust model with a focus on the data pillar. Continuously monitor and adjust identity access management (IAM) policies on individual data objects at scale.

Data Compliance & Governance

Reinforce data privacy, data residency and security requirements in regulations and standards like HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and others.

Accelerated Cloud Transformation

Get visibility of your data before migrating to the cloud, and maintain control to speed migration, optimize performance, and maximize the benefits of cloud adoption while minimizing security risks.

Proud Partner of Innovators

See Symmetry In Action

Flexible Deployment Model

Data lies at the heart of every organization’s operations, regardless of industry. We partner with our customers to understand the specific data security needs of their businesses, starting with the industries and regulations they operate under.

Industry Solutions

Data lies at the heart of every organization’s operations, regardless of industry. We partner with our customers to understand the specific data security needs of their businesses, starting with the industries and regulations they operate under.

Featured Resources

The Metadata Minefield: Protecting All Your Sensitive Data

Lessons Learned from the Snowflake Breaches

Image introducing Blog titled What we know so far about the snowflake breach

What We Know So Far about the Snowflake “Breach”

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